Page 18 - DLNoct2015-999
P. 18


Club Vets record breaking is over for the season with both Roy and Alan taking six

You will see from the list that the records are highlighted in yellow. Each record time
is shown in red, until the final record for the year was established, at the relevant
age, they are then shown in blue.

The state of play went as follows:-
Alan set two 10 mile records at age 75 before taking out Roy’s age 73 record of
24.16 by doing a time of 23.43. He also established two 25 mile records and one
50 mile record.

Roy at age 78 started sedately, but took out his 10 mile age 78 record, which was
set at the end of last year, in his first ride. As you can see from the list by the time
he had his birthday he had set a new age 78 record of 25.41. Now 79 he went on to
established a record time of 26.29 and then reduced it to 25.51.

Some of these rides are new V.T.T.A (Kent) records which they must claim for as
shown here

Alan (Age 75) 10 Miles           Time     Event
           Date Course

23�� May             Q10/24      25.27    Medway Velo
30�� May             Q10/24      25.17    De Laune C.C.
5�� July             Q10/30      23.43    V.T.T.A. (Kent)

           25 Miles

6�� June             E2/25       1.05.31  Shaftesbury C C
                                 1.04.50  S.C.C.U.
6�� Sept             G25/54

           50 Miles

19�� July            Q50/11      2.14.37  V.T.T.A. (Kent)

   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23