Page 17 - DLJun2017-1019
P. 17

Applications for membership...... to ....rules and regulations
              Proposed by Bill Wright. Seconded by Chalky White

              Approved unanimously

       9      AOB:
              Steve Evans asked about the membership records and how new
              members  could  contact  existing  members.  All  David  Haggart’s
              communications  are  sent  as  blind  copies,  there  used  to  be  a
              handbook  that  contained  this  information  but  had  not  been
              circulated for some time.
              Mark Ballamy undertook to send out the addresses with the next

             There  was  a  discussion  about  publicity.  Roy’s  advert  was
              discussed as was producing flyers for cycle shops, libraries etc,
              links on Council sports sites to the De Laune Website and Strada
              & HSBC sites. We used to have business cards with details of the
              club and Vista print have some cheap deals for printing cards.
              Mark offered to produce an A5 flyer based on the advert in the
              It was agreed that all officers of the club would write a report
              for the AGM agenda in future.

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