Page 9 - DLNnov2016-1012
P. 9


Only two Qualifiers this year (two ‘10’s and two ‘25’s required). So, unless some-
one knows differently this is the final result for 2016 season.

Alan Rowe

10 Miles   24mins 33secs       24.4399 mph (Club & Kent Age 77 record)
           25mins 14secs       23.7781 mph

25 Miles 1hr 07mins 12secs     22.3214 mph (Club & Kent Vets Age 77 record)
            1hr 07mins 09secs  22.3380 mph (Club & Kent Vets Age 77 record)

               Average speed 23.2194 mph
                      Age 77 Standards

10 Miles       30mins 40secs      19.5652 mph
                                  19.1245 mph
25 Miles 1hr 18mins 26secs

               Average speed 19.3449 mph

               Plus 3.8745 mph

David Haggart

10 Miles        24mins 19secs  24.6744 mph
25 Miles        25mins 43secs  23.3312 mph
           1hr 02mins 09secs   24.1352 mp
           1hr 03mins 11secs   23.7404 mph

               Average speed 23.9703 mph

                               Age 55 Standards

10 Miles       27mins 09secs 23.9703 mph
25 Miles
           1hr 09mins 05secs   21.9062 mph

               Average speed 21.9062 mph

               Plus 2.0641 mph

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